Our team is committed to fulfilling the vision of seeing the Gospel transform our world through the platform of sports.

Dr. Billy Graham once said, "One coach will impact more people in one year than the average person will in an entire lifetime."

We are leading our coaches and students to Christ!

We are working towards Gospel revival in Hawaii!

Our Team

Daniel Rich

Hawaii State Director

Marc Toro

Maui Football Area Rep

Kim Keli'iholokai

Oahu Softball Area Rep

Randall Okimoto

Kalihi Valley Area Rep

Kinzer Lambert

University of Hawaii and HPU College Rep

Kyle Power

Up Country Maui

Area Rep

Kat McNeal

Director of Operations

Lauren Labat

Maui Town

Area Rep

Wally Liete

Hilo HI

Area Rep

Corinne Niswander

Director of Communications

Avery Stuever

Northshore/Central Oahu

Area Rep

State Board

Brent Husson

Bill Harrison

Reece Foy

Kevin Inafuku

Anton Smith

Samuel Garner

Debbie Snell

James Shiroma

Jeff Chen

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