Wally Leite

Hilo Area Ambassador


About Wally


My name is Wally and I was born and raised here on the big island in Hilo. My journey in sports began as a freshman in high school where I played football my freshman year but had difficulties with my vision during the night games so during my sophomore year I was introduced to track and field/ cross country and found my passion for running.

Through cross country, I was blessed to be offered a scholarship at UH Hilo and Portland State University.

Following college, I continued to run and compete in road races and was then introduced to triathlon which I competed in for many years. During this time, my vision continued to diminish, and it began challenging to compete. Through these challenges I began to develop my personal relationship with Christ.

 As my relationship with Jesus continued to grow, he opened my eyes not through physical vision but through my heart and

understanding that he had a greater plan for my life. My passion now is to reach the next generation through FCA and open their hearts to Jesus so they can experience the same peace, grace, and love as I am blessed to know.

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