Proverbs 3:5-6

Akili Gray • May 8, 2020

Trust in the Lord with all your Heart...

SOAP Proverbs 3:5-6

Scripture: “5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. 6 Seek his will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.” - Proverbs 3:5-6

Observation: Following last week's devotion I wanted to continue the theme of trust, especially in this time of uncertainty with the Coronavirus. There are a lot of questions that are leaving many of us fearful. Will we have an athletic season? When and where will the next paycheck come from? Will I contract this virus? It is a natural human response to worry and try to control or fix things on our own. But, we are so blessed to have a gracious and loving God who looks out for us.

As I’m writing this, the Lord has just blessed me. My summer semester starts on May 11th. With it being less than a week away, tuition has to be paid. Unfortunately, this pandemic has made it difficult for some universities to give out scholarships. I certainly cannot afford it. My coaches told our team that most players would not be receiving scholarship money during this time. The only thing I could do was give it up to God and trust He would make a way. 5 days before tuition was due, I received an email saying it was ALL going to be paid. 

This scripture used to be my mother’s favorite scripture. She had it written out everywhere. If we questioned what to do next in any aspect of life, we gave it up to God. We trusted and believed that He would make a way. Time and time again, He did. By acknowledging that God is in control over it all, we open ourselves to His blessings and guidance. We serve a faithful God.

Application: The Bible is a great instruction manual. Scriptures like these can help guide you through difficult times. I encourage whoever reads this to really trust God during this pandemic. What is one thing in your life that you are having trouble trusting God with? Journal about it, pray about it, and then fully surrender it to God. Trust that He will make a way. Trust in Him more than yourself, and He will show you which path to take.

Prayer: Lord, I please ask that You show your light and wisdom in those who seek You. May You offer comfort in times like these, and above all else, may Your will be done. Amen. 

Akili Gray

Social Media Team - Content Creator

Akili Gray is born and raised from Hawaii. He graduated in 2016 from Kamehameha and is now playing football at Southern Utah University. 

He has a strong desire to continue growing in His relationship with God and is planning on bringing FCA to his team in Utah!

Connect with us on social media!

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Hawaii, sunset, beach
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