Thank you for joining us on this prayer walk!

We feel so blessed to have partnered with you on this journey. We are confidently believing that God will answer our prayers. Prayer doesn't stop with the walk...that was only the beginning. May it be the start to your lifestyle of unceasing prayer!

Circle Hawaii Prayer Walk 
The power of prayer is undeniable, as it is a partnership with God on a divine journey

Join the Walk

The prayer walk is happening in...


This is where revival starts!

Help spark Hawaii through prayer - a time for unification, revival, and hearts turning to God!
Join a 2 hour segment...or more! Each segment is around 6 miles.  
Or bring your own lunch and join us for a lunch break from 12-1. This will be a fun time of fellowship and prayer, led by a local pastor!

Why We Walk

God delights in hearing all of our voices united together. In Matthew 18:19-20, Jesus says, 
"Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."
Yes, our personal prayers are so important, but there is power when we gather together in Jesus’ name! Prayer creates a deeper intimacy and dependency on Him
There are so many things He wants to do, He just wants us to ask!  
Come and share with God the things on your heart, and join us as we intercede for Hawaii!

Prayer Walk Vision

As FCA Hawaii, we believe God is calling us to a lifestyle of unceasing prayer. Our mission is to lead every coach and athlete of Hawaii in a growing relationship with Jesus and His Church. This requires His children to come together in fervent prayer. 

From July 27th to August 1st, FCA Hawaii will be partnering with heaven in an island-wide prayer walk. Yes this is a daunting task, but with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). As we walk and talk to God about the things in our hearts, we are believing He will bring revival to Hawaii.


How do I prepare for the walk?

Please be sure to hydrate/drink lots of water a few days before the walk.

Each segment will complete about 6 miles in 2 hours so build up physical endurance prior to the walk.


What should I bring?

Wear good walking shoes, comfortable/modest attire, sunscreen, and other protective gear of choice. 

Bring a water bottle, mask, lunch/snacks, and a heart to pray.


Do you have to sign up to join the walk?

Please sign up on Sign-up Genius ahead of timeFCA Prayer Walk Sign U

Call Kiana Hirai at our HI headquarters if you need help connecting with the group. Her number is on the sign up genius.


What if I can’t keep up? 

You will be able to walk at your own pace, but we hope all walkers will have prepared in advance for the 6 mile segments. We will have a driver on call if there is a situation that needs support. We also encourage those who want to participate but cannot walk to join our lunch break sessions at the park.


What happens if it rains? 

If it rains, we will continue walking! We will take into consideration flood zones during heavy rains and any other precautionary adjustments will be made by the coordinator.


Is this open for anyone to join in, kids included? Can I bring my little children/strollers and or pets? 


Healthy adults and young adults (12 and above) are welcomed to join in the walk.

We ask that no children 11 and below as well as pets join the walk, but they are welcome to join at breaks and lunch.

Non-walkers/Lunch time attenders:

All ages are welcomed to join the group during the lunch time at the designated parks. Please monitor your own children. Please bring your own chairs and food for lunch.


What should I expect during the lunch time break?

Bring your own lunch and join from 12-1 at the designated beach park to hear from a local pastor who will lead a time of prayer. Please bring your own chair, lunch, and drink. Light snacks and water will be available.


Do I have to wear a mask?

It is encouraged by the state of Hawaii for individuals to wear face coverings, but not required for outdoor physical activity where distance can be maintained.

Please reference State of HI Emergency Order for further information:


Are we physically distancing while we are walking?

We will walk in groups no larger than groups of 10. If there are multiple groups, we will maintain physical distance between groups.


Will there be a limit to the amount of people walking?

  • No, there will be no limit to the total amount of people welcome to walk at any given moment. There will be a 10 person per group limit to comply with the state of HI groups mandate. If 50 show up for a segment, we will separate into 10 walking groups of 5.
  • If the group gets bigger, we will spread out further in pods of 4


Is water provided?

Please bring your own water during the walk. However, we will have water available for emergency purposes during the walk. Water will be provided during the lunch time breaks.


Will hand sanitizer be available?


Will transportation be provided back to cars after walking each segment?

We are encouraging walkers to find their own rides back to their cars. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide this service due to COVID-19.

We suggest:

  1. Dropping your car off at the end of your segment and have a friend drive you to the start. 
  2. Lining a ride up with a friend

Is there a specific focus of our prayers while we walk? 

These are the themes that will guide the overall day, but we will pray as the Holy Spirit guides us and as things come up within our own hearts & minds. W

  • Day 1 - Wisdom
  • Day 2 - Power
  • Day 3 - Connection
  • Day 4 - Provision
  • Day 5 - Hope
  • Day 6 - Peace
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