FCA Hawaii

Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!

Happy New Year!

We need you in 2025!

Buy FCA Morning Star Shares

FCA Morning Star: Our fundraising initiative to fuel #Mission164

Your $12/month funds 3 things: 

1) Getting EVERY student a Bible

2) Hiring new staff 

3) Investing in current huddles & launching new huddles


Our goal to start a huddle at ALL 164 middle & high school campuses in Hawaii by 2028

We believe that EVERY student in Hawaii deserves to: 

1) Hear the Gospel of Jesus 

2) Get a Bible 

3) Get connected to a local church

We are currently at 28/164!

Monthly Prayer Meeting

1st Monday of each month

WHEN: 6:00-7:00 AM

WHERE: 98-1125 Managua Rd Aiea 

Can't make it? Set an alarm on your phone to pause & pray for Gospel revival in Hawaii

FCA Hawaii

Our student leaders organized a prayer walk at Mililani High School.

This charge ushered in about 30 students, 2 advisors, and 2 local church youth pastors to voice prayer requests and covered the campus in Jesus name!

Jesus' Name WILL be glorified in Hawaii!

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